Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Concept Development: Florence Nightingale -Its Con

CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT: Florence Nightingale – Influence on Nursing Theory 1. AIM: This assignment gives an abridged account of Florence Nightingale’s life, her education, aspirations and career. It also discusses the development of nursing theory in general, and Florence Nightingale’s influence in later nursing theorists’ work. Florence Nightingale’s philosophy regarding the environment was fundamental to her concept of nursing and health, which was demonstrated through her work on sanitary reform and hospital construction. 2. BACKGROUND: Florence Nightingale was born in 1820 to well-educated, affluent British parents. Her youthful upbringing brought her into aristocratic society, where she made life-long distinguished friends and acquaintances. These would prove pivotal in her work as the founder of modern nursing. Schooled by her father in mathematics, languages, religion and philosophy (which were put to good use in forming her theories), the young Nightingale began her nursing training in Germany. After returning to England, she became Superintendent of the Hospital for Invalid Gentlewomen 1. During the 1840’s, sanitary reform in the community became a big political issue, which Florence Nightingale zealously embraced. She utilised plans for eliminating sanitation problems on the army wards during her time in the Crimean War. Although medical care in the army was higher than in the community, conditions were still appalling with blocked latrines, overflowing cesspools and contaminated drinking water. The latter playing an important part in epidemic outbreaks of cholera. 1,2. The soldiers named her as ‘The Lady of the Lamp’ when she carried her lantern through the corridors at night. In 1855, Florence Nightingale became very ill with ‘Crimean Fever ‘ and was not expected to survive. This disease is believed by some to be brucellosis melitensis. Her symptoms subsided and she returned to England, after which, she founded nursing schools at St. Thomas Hospital and at King’s College Hospital. Her achievements have included her many writings, such as ‘Notes on Hospitals’ and ‘Notes on the Sanitary State of the Army in India’. Florence Nightingale also compiled statistics and much evidence for the Royal Commission. Hospitals were set up world-wide financed by the Nightingale Fund. Although bed-ridden for much of her later years, she worked prolifically into her eighties, gathering data and expounding her nursing theories. In 1910, Florence Nightingale died at the age of 90 years. . Development of Nursing Theories and Practices Between 1858, when Florence Nightingale first wrote her ideas for the theory and practice of nursing, and the 1950’s, there was little change to the task orientated, authoritarian concept of nursing practice. The nursing theorists may have started to evolve in order to change this viewpoint. Notable protagonists include Henderson, Peplau, Abdellah and Orem. 4 In addition, reactions to the medical paradigm which was well established and developed, may have prompted the change of nursing, from one of traditional symptom orientation to a nursing paradigm in it’s own right. Figures 3. 1 & 3. 2 refer). [pic] Nursing theories have gone through several changes and ideas that were rejected in one stage of development have been accepted in another. There has been a shift from the early rejection of nursing theories, through the positivistic, quantitative research of the sixties to the recent revival of Florence Nightingale’s concept of nursing of health and environment. Nursing research has shifted towards the phenomenological viewpoint (the meaning of experience and perceived reality) illustrated in Figure 3. 3. [pic] Nursing theories prove that nursing is a profession, not simply an occupation. Meleis describes these as being â€Å"a systematic, coherent body of knowledge with boundaries†. There are three types of nursing theories, according to Alligood and Chong Choi. 1 The first is nursing philosophy, in which the meaning of nursing is realised through analysis, reasoning and logical argument. Exponents of this type of work were early theorists. Florence Nightingale’s work is a philosophical one. The second or ‘grand theorist’ type gives a conceptual framework in which one can view the world and take into account it’s aspects. (J. Fawcett 1989)1: 6 . Orem and Neuman are examples of this type. The third type are middle range theories, which are derivatives from other works such as grand theories, philosophy of nursing theories or perhaps from other, related theories. 1 4. Florence Nightingale’s Influence on Nursing Development and Practice Florence Nightingale was the first nursing theorist. She believed her life in nursing to be a calling from God, her chief mission being to improve the environment in which people lived and in which people were cared for. Although an innovator, she was also a product of her time as sanitary reform in the community became a big issue with the educated classes. Her other philosophies influenced nursing theory and practice. These were: * Nursing as a profession distinct from Medicine. Gathering of statistical data for applied research The establishment of recognised system of nurse training Definition of Health Dichotomy of nurse / patient role. The reparative process of disease 4. 1 Environment Florence Nightingale placed great emphasis on the physical aspects of the care setting. These are namely; clean air, pure water, efficient drainage, cleanliness and sunlight, 7 which are largely taken for granted in our modern hospitals. She believed these would eradicate the main source of illness, although, Miss Nightingale rejected the theory of bacterial infection on the grounds that she had no empirical evidence to support it. Florence Nightingale believed that building construction, in particular, hospital building, should pay particular attention to sanitation and ventilation. This together with the correct diet would eliminate much current sickness. Her writings on this subject revolutionised hospital construction. 10. In her Notes on Nursing, she admonished nurses who noisily tripped over fire-irons, thus breaching safety standards. Virginia Henderson wrote of Florence Nightingale’s influence on her own work regarding the environment, when she said, â€Å"Like Miss Nightingale, I have shared an interest in seeing the environment made safer for people. She put more emphasis on fresh air than I, of course, did. I had more opportunity to learn how to control infection than she did. † 8. Miss Hende rson further enlarged on Florence Nightingale’s theory to say that nurses should recommend the construction of buildings, purchase of equipment and maintenance in order to minimise chances of injury. 1 Kathryn Barnard, speaking in 1966, said that in order for the nurse to assist the patient in promoting and maintaining his / her independence, a change in the patient’s environment may be necessary. 1 Martha E. Rogers (1970) and Betty Neuman (1995) echoed Florence Nightingale’s belief that the provision of an environment which was conducive to healing, such as cleanliness, fresh air and calm, were prerequisites for recovery from illness. Nursing theorists widened the concept to include people’s responses to their immediate and broader environment. 9 Rogers holds that the description of person and environment ‘energy fields’ are inseparable. Dorothea Orem’s ‘Universal self-care requisites’ (1980) lists the maintenance of air, water, food, rest and solitude, as being required by all human beings and adding to these; social interaction, elimination, activity, social interaction, prevention of hazards and promotion of human functioning. 4. 2 The Profession of Nursing and Health. The idea that there would be a professional body of exclusively female nurses (Miss Nightingale believed women were natural nurturers) was revolutionary in the last century. The exception was in psychiatric nursing, where men’s’ physical strength was valued. This view is largely discounted today, of course. She was also passionate about the uniqueness of nursing, existing alongside but not incorporated into, other related disciplines, such as medicine. Adherence to signs, symptoms, surgery, medication and disease prevailed in this era of health care. 5 She was suspicious of ‘new’ scientific thinking, wh ich would turn nurses into ‘medical women’. 10 The training of young, more educated nurses in the new progressive schools like St. Thomas Hospital, included Florence Nightingale’s own concept of health: hygiene, environment and care. Her belief was that health was a state of wellness, desired by the patient and gained by using all power available, to the fullest extent. 1:10 Miss Nightingale combined both health education with sick nursing in her teachings, a practice which is very much in evidence today. Hildegard Peplau, followed Florence Nightingale, in 1952, and pioneered a knowledge-based nursing practice, which included education and research; distinguishing it from medicine-based health care. 1, 11 In 1987, Rosemarie Rizzo Parse echoed the need for nursing to move away from the medical model in order to evolve. 4. 3 Concept of Nursing and Statistical Data Gathering In 1970, Martha Rogers took Miss Nightingale’s concept of nursing and redefined it as a constant human interaction with the environment. 5 She lauded Miss Nightingale’s ability to place the person â€Å"within the framework of the natural world†, by her vision of health and by supporting this with statistical data. 1 Rosemarie Rizzo Parse was greatly influenced by Martha Rogers. She believed that, since Florence Nightingale’s time, nursing owed it’s existence to Man and Health. 1 4. 4 Nurse/ Patient Role and her Model of Nursing Florence Nightingale believed disease to go through a reparative process Her model of nursing reflected her belief that nature would cure the patient by the actions of the nurse’s control on the environment, 12 the patient’s role was a passive one, with little or no say in the way in which he or she was treated by the health care team. Few would argue that nursing theories has taken a more holistic approach than was the case in Florence Nightingale’s time. A legacy of the Nightingale School is the military terminology used by Miss Nightingale from her time spent in army nursing. Phrases such as; ‘on duty’, ‘off duty’ and ‘sick leave’ are still in use today. 10 5. Conclusion Florence Nightingale saw nurses as women who were not only professionals in their own right, (a revolutionary concept for Victorian England, when most women were subservient to male domination) but were to be instrumental in bringing about changes in order to improve the environment in it’s broadest sense. By this token, she was also the first health educator. Miss Nightingale presented her own empirical evidence i. e. based on her own experiences and observations, as established facts. She was a believer in research. Her gathering of statistical data was used to give credence to her hypotheses on her epidemiological studies. She laid the foundations for a recognised system of nurse training, not only in this country, but abroad. However, those nurse educators, who followed in Florence Nightingale’s footsteps in teaching young (and from an increasingly higher social class) women in the art of nursing, failed to differentiate between the goals and focus of nursing and of medicine. The medical model tended to neglect the patient as a human being. Furthermore, nursing creativity would be stifled (at least in the U. K. ) under a regimented, task-orientated regime until the early 1950’s until the emergence of new nursing theorists, such as Peplau (1952), Henderson (1955) and Orem (1958). Some of Florence Nightingale’s practices and beliefs have been largely discontinued or discounted today, such as the pathology of dirt and dampness, her disregard to the germ theory, and the fact that the patient was non-participative of his/her method of care. This lack of holism was perhaps in keeping with her time. 1. Her vision of nurses as innovators for social health reform, continues to inspire us today. – End of Assignment – REFERENCES: | | | |1. | Marrinner-Tomey, A. (1994). Nursing Theorists and their Work. St. Louis, Missouri: Mosby. | |2 |Dingwall, R. , Rafferty, A. M. , Webster, C. (1988). An Introduction to the Social History of Nursing. London: Routledge | |3 |Baly, M. E. (Nov. 13. 1996). Different history for Nightingale illness, Letters. Nursing Standard, 8 (11) 10. Harrow, Middx. , R. C. | | |N. Publishing Company. | |4 |Castledine, G. (1994). A definition of nursing based on nurturing, 3 (3): 134. British Journal of Nursing. | |5 |Meleis, A. I. (1985). Theoretical Nursing: Development and Progress. Pennsylvania: J. B. Lippincott Company. | |6 |Fawcett, J. (1989). Analysis and evaluation of conceptual models of nursing. In A. Marrinner-Tomey (Ed). Nursing Theorists and their| | |Work. St. Louis, Missouri: Mosby. | |7 |Nightingale, F. (1992). Notes on Nursing. London: Scutari Press. | |8 |Smith, J. P. (1989). Virginia Henderson: The First 90 years. London: Scutari Press. | |9 |Pearson, A. , Vaughan, B. , Fitzgerald, A. (1991). Nursing Models for Practice. London: Heiman | |10 |Baly, M. E. (1986). Florence Nightingale and the Nursing Legacy. New York: Croon Helm. | |11 |Fitzpatrick, J. and Whall. A. (1983) Conceptual Models of Nursing. Prentice Hall Publishing Co. | |12 |Kershaw, B. and Salvage, J. (1994) Models for Nursing. Great Britain. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. |

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Nike in China

Executive Summary Overview Nike is the market leader in athletic shoes in the United States. The Oregon based company has always utilized offshore facilities in low-income countries to produce at minimal costs followed by importation into predominantly the US for sales. Nike is quick to divest from emerging markets as costs rise and has recently signed short term production contracts with a long term strategy of production in China. Unlike Nike’s previous global endeavors, the political and cultural atmosphere in China has made the collaboration more demanding. Opportunities As the South Korean standard of living continued to improve, expected wages grew forcing Nike to look elsewhere for low cost shoe production. Market research identified China and India as the best long term possibilities for the new production facilities based on finances. Due in part to a trusting relationship between Nike and the Chinese government based on the family lines of vice president David Chang, China was determined to be the optimal location to grow. The possibility of a joint venture giving Nike access to a possible billion customer market was another opportunity that could only be found in China. Issues in China Nike has spent the last four years building facilities, training staff, and developing relationships in China. Unlike other facilities in low GDP countries that had been utilized previously, the China collaboration has been less than successful. The current infrastructure combined with landlocked facilities made transportation logistics difficult. The Chinese government had certain expectations and standardization requirements that were misaligned with Nike’s incentives in terms of quality, pay, pricing, and employee motivation. The PRC government also created difficulties in import/export restrictions causing logistical problems with raw materials, specifically anything entering the country through South Korea, a major Nike supplier. While a foothold in China could eventually lead to an enormous new customer base, the current global strategy was ill suited to take advantage at the current time. Options * Shift strategies in China from global to multi-domestic to take advantage of the market. This option would require the formation of a joint venture with the Chinese government. Move factory locations to reduce transportation and logistics issues. * Pull out of China completely. Recommendations We believe the government regulations will make quality improvement and cost effectiveness highly unlikely in China. Furthermore, a multi-domestic strategy requiring a high investment rate would be required to take advantage of the Chinese population as a new customer market. With low expendable income and a forced jo int venture with the government necessary to sell Nike in China, we determined that selling in China is not currently an option. As such, the team recommends an urgent identification of new possible production environments with a concerted and eventual total divestiture in China. Questions a. How has Nike conceptualized the athletic shoe industry: global or multi-domestic? Justify your answer. What are the implications of this conceptualization? Nike instituted a global strategy, as opposed to a multi-domestic strategy, from the company’s onset to compete in the athletic shoe industry. Knight identified opportunities abroad to reduce costs in the upstream functions of the value chain. Through the coordination of overseas operations integrated with US downstream functions focused on local US markets, Nike’s utilization of a Porter-defined global strategy has brought the company to China. The Far East’s Role in the Value Chain Beginning with the first Japanese facilities, Nike factories located in the Far East, Europe, and South America have accounted for approximately 93% of shoe production with only minor assembly in the US. The identified regions within this concentrated configuration were almost exclusively production-only facilities without the R&D, sales and marketing, and other downsteam services required for a successful multi-domestic strategy. The countries had been targeted due to low costs with certain factories being divested over the years due to increasing wage rates and political uncertainty. Competition to reduce costs between different countries was key to identifying new opportunities and deciding on which factories would remain open as economic factors changed. While reducing costs was the main concern in global production, Nike could not accept a subsequent loss of quality. Previous experiences in Far Eastern plants had proven successful via quickly accepted technology transfer and ratios of grade-B shoes falling below 5% at rapid rates. Without the combination of high value and low cost, the strategic competitive advantage would be lost. Assumptions and Implications of a Global Strategy Nike moved to China based on their strategic history of standardizing the operations life cycle. Knight believed China would mirror other Far Eastern locales. Cost cutting assumptions included pay based on relative Chinese wages (as opposed to relative Nike production wages), employee incentives capabilities, minimal import/export barriers, and an infrastructure for facile distribution logistics. For each unforeseen difficulty encountered along these assumptions, Nike’s costs would increase and could drive margins down to a point where China would no longer be financially competitive. The Olympic team public relations venture attempted to further the relationship between Nike and the Chinese government, not to present a new product for the public. The millions spent were misaligned with a low cost model and were identified with past exploitations by the West. While the possibility of two billion feet was enticing, Nike was in China to produce, not sell, shoes. There was no plan to market, distribute, or sell in China. Accordingly, the idea of a joint venture should not be on the table under the current strategy. However, the PRC strongly pushed JVs and the lack of a true collaborative environment could be detrimental in an environment so heavily regulated. b. Speculate on the reasons for Nike wishing to enter China. Before the entry do you think these reasons were valid? Justify your answer. China’s Excellence in Manufacturing China is known for their excellence in manufacturing. Nike intended to exploit this excellence in order to drive down their supplier costs, while maintaining their customer’s willingness to pay constant which creates value for Nike’s customers and shareholders. Prior to entry and based on Nike’s due diligence, this was a valid reason. However, Nike either underestimated or did not entirely comprehend the challenges of conducting business is China. From the difficulty of sourcing local materials to the inconsistency in quality of the finished product, China was not the optimal manufacturing location for Nike. Rapid Growth of the Athletic Footwear Market in the 1970’s (& Bad Forecasting) Perhaps Nike did not do enough high quality market research to see that the growth was slowing in their market. Nike may have become complacent due to their dominance in the industry or Nike may have discounted the market trends in the athletic footwear industry that showed a decline in the rate of growth, when comparing the 1970’s to the 1980’s. The bottom line is that Nike did not accurately forecast and adjust their strategy to the athletic footwear industry trends and market conditions. Prior to entry and based on Nike’s due diligence, this was a valid reason. Nike chose to enter China, in part, to meet the demand of the growing market. However, perhaps they should have spent more time and resources on market research, which would have revealed that the growth rate was declining, and perhaps additional suppliers were not necessary to carry out their business plan after all and that a different international location might better meet their sourcing needs and goals. Rising Costs from Existing Suppliers One of the reasons Nike planned to enter China was due to the costs of conducting business in other countries (for example, South Korea and Taiwan) had been increasing. Nike thought that they could source product from China at a lower cost than their current offshore producers. Prior to entry and based on Nike’s due diligence, this was a valid rationale. Due to the multiple issues that Nike faced in China, the costs associated in producing a pair of shoes were actually higher in China than their other international producers. See Table A in the appendix for a landed cost comparison from the case. Two Billion Feet Although the case clearly specifies this is not a reason for entry into China, one of Chang’s motives may have been to sell directly to the Chinese. The size of the Chinese population is over three times the size of the United States. Even though the shoes produced in China were for the US, Chang may have considered producing a low cost shoe for the Chinese. Perhaps Nike’s long term strategy was to navigate the Chinese political system, develop a strong local production presence, and then ultimately sell low cost footwear directly to the Chinese market. This reason was not valid prior to their entry. Nike’s product was not produced for the Chinese, as the average Chinese consumer could not afford the product. b. How did the decision to enter China complement Nike's overall strategy? Nike’s decision to enter China was based on flawed information. Nike underestimated the inherent challenges (political bureaucracy, materials sourcing, shipping and transportation, quality control and the Chinese culture of non-motivation and non-commitment) they faced when conducting business in China. Nike also failed to accurately forecast the demand in the athletic footwear industry. The decision ultimately hurt Nike’s overall strategy, as their production costs rose, while the demand for their product was declining. Higher cost and declining demand both negatively affected Nike’s bottom line. c. Identify the entry and ownership strategies used by Nike in entering China. Do you think they were appropriate? Base your analysis on the entry and ownership strategies outlined by Robock and Simmonds, referenced above. Justify your answer. As costs started to rise in other Asian markets, Nike made the strategic decision to open new full-scale manufacturing facilities in China, with the goal to reduce production costs. Nike’s entry strategy into China created obstacles in achieving their long-term goals, which they should have foreseen. Below are a few factors that contributed to the obstacles. External Factors Nike underestimated the scope of the Chinese bureaucracy. Nike’s only choice was to hire a consultant to navigate the issue. This consultant increased Nike’s costs of doing business in China. Furthermore, Nike overestimated the size and future growth potential of their target market. Nike should have conducted additional due diligence and more thorough market research before deciding to move into China. In addition, Nike did not forecast the materials sourcing issue, which added to product costs. Internal Factors Nike failed to forecast/implement some key factors when deciding to enter China. Nike lacked the necessary internal operations to actively manage and solve production problems in real time. Also, Nike had great difficulties communicating the issue of quality control to the Chinese. Furthermore, the Chinese managers and workforce lacked motivation to perform their jobs to levels satisfactory to Nike. Ownership Nike chose to be wholly owned. Nike did not pursue the joint venture route, even though China tried to persuade Nike otherwise. Nike did, however, hire a consultant as a strategic partner to help them navigate the challenging bureaucracy. Given the political climate in China, perhaps Nike should have approached China with a joint venture agreement. Having China as a partner may have saved Nike time and resources when launching a new manufacturing platform. Or, perhaps Nike should have formed a strategic partnership with a local footwear manufacturer in order to bypass some of the issues with starting an entirely new facility and would have had some assistance in navigating the local market. d. Would you say Nike's entry into China was a success? Give reasons for your view, explaining why the entry was successful or a failure. At the time of case study, Nike’s entry into China was not a success. This evaluation is based on several reasons primarily due to the cultural clash between Nike and Chinese production. By 1984, Nike encountered a range of problems—from quality issues (only 80% of Chinese shoes were A-Grade), to inventory management (records kept on a guess method of expected usage), lack of flexibility from Chinese managers, motivational issues with management and workers, as well as complex and difficult government relations. Quality Issues in Product and Management When China’s reformist leader, Deng Xiaoping, opened China to foreign investment and global market opportunities, Nike seized the opportunity to buy a finished shoe product from the PRC as a long-term, low-cost supplier. However, despite China’s opening to the global market, it still existed as a socialist state with severe trust issues and obstructions to the free flow of information. These factors compounded to cause an array of production difficulties. Due to the Chinese factories still producing 20% B-grade shoes (significantly higher than both South Korea and Taiwan), Nike management not only wasted additional time arguing with Chinese managers on the quality problems (rather than actually improving the problem) but Nike also had to hire additional inspectors for each factory. While the money spent to hire these inspectors was relatively low, this illustrates the need for oversight and the lack of faith and trust in the Chinese managers to run the factories to Nike’s standards. Governmental Regulation Additionally, as a socialist state, Chinese workers lacked motivation to increase production (factories at a standstill by midday) and to adhere to production schedules since they would be paid the same regardless of output. Even attempts by Nike of monetary incentives only appeared to have an effect for approximately 60 days. Because of the central planning system, the Chinese managers were used to stable prices. Price negotiations proved extremely difficult as none of the actual participants in the negotiations (foreign trade bureau, factory directors, local production bureau leaders) had the authority to make price decisions—everything relayed to authorities in Beijing. Compared to Korea or Taiwan, negotiations were slow which was extremely detrimental in a global and ever-changing environment. The levels of bureaucracy in China were much higher than those encountered in South Korea or Taiwan. Although Nike tried to establish a positive relationship with China (through contributions to the country’s sports activities and hosting various Chinese officials visiting the U. S. ), meeting with the high-live leaders in China did not prove useful. The Chinese bureaucracy made making decisions difficult as it was never apparent who was in charge of what and Chinese officials did not show the same level of interest in establishing a relationship with Nike (leaders sometimes did not show up for appointments). Ultimately, all of the cultural difficulties resulted in extremely low production numbers (Nike originally targeted production growth to 1,000,000 pairs per month by mid-1980’s but annual production in 1984 was only 700,000 pairs), significantly lower than both South Korea and Taiwan. Although Nike had ultimately hoped for a 20% price advantage over Korea, they were still losing $1. 00 on each pair of PRC shoes while the quality was much lower on these shoes as well. e. Identify the options available to Nike regarding its operations in China. If you were Chang at the time of the case, what future course of action would you recommend in China? Options Some of the options available to Nike regarding its operations in China are to pull operations out of China completely or consider entering into a joint-venture agreement with China. As of 1984, Nike’s foray into China has not been a success due to a variety of reasons (listed above). If Nike were to pull operations out of China, they would risk losing all of the equipment investment as well as damaging the sensitive and already tenuous relations ith the government. Other countries would have to be evaluated as a low-cost source of production. Some possible countries could be Indonesia or shifting a greater percentage of production to Taiwan as their comparative changes in unit labor cost, although increasing, were significantly lower than Korea or Taiwan. However, if Nike did decide to stay in China and enter into a joint-venture agreement, this step would potentially be viewed as a sign of trust and evidence of commitment by China. Nike would also be allowed to sell its products in China—a significant market to consider with a population of 1 billion people. Nike would also have additional freedoms with regards to hiring and dismissing personnel. The costs of a joint-venture agreement though, were estimated at $500,000 per factory and worker salaries would be about 20% higher than local factories. Recommendations to Nike If we were Chang at the time of the case, the future course of action that we would recommend to Nike would be to pull out of China operations. Although the possibility of access to a market with 1 billion people seems counter to this decision, China’s great strides in opening to global markets indicates the likelihood that Nike will be able to access this consumer at some point without having to make the commitment of a joint-venture agreement. Additionally, while recognizing the sunk-costs bias, we feel that the potential costs to continue operations in China would result in Nike still losing money on each pair of shoe produced instead of cutting their losses and finding another profitable production avenue. Conclusions Nike saw China, as well as the many impoverished nations where previous production had occurred, as a part of the supply chain with a cost effective advantage. Korea and Taiwan had become increasingly expensive and China was a long term option. Unfortunately, Nike did not understand the political or cultural implications for utilizing China as part of a global strategy. The political environment and infrastructure in China created unforeseen difficulties for Nike in building an efficient production system. Government controlled wages reduced the influence of incentives for both work efficiency and quality. Strained relationships with the South Korean government made importation of materials slow and expensive. Transportation logistics and regional cultural differences made the government suggested sites for initial factory locations less than ideal. China’s two billion feet did not align with Nike’s global strategy. The Chinese public could not afford the high costs for the Nike brand and current ROI expectations could not be achieved. The Chinese government’s relationship approach to external companies would have much greater acceptance towards a mutually beneficial joint venture. Some saw Nike’s global strategy as exploitation. The financial impact of Nike’s strategy could not be delivered in China. The collaborative relationship desired by the Chinese government was misaligned with Nike’s needs. Together, it becomes apparent that the best option for Nike is to locate a better location for production urgently and completely divest in China.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Public Opinion Survey Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Public Opinion Survey Paper - Essay Example The research methods used in in this study to obtain public opinions would be the telephone survey method and the mail survey method. Telephone survey methods according to StatPac, Inc (p.1), are the quickest method of obatining information from a large sample of respondents that number approximately from 100 to 400. In this type of survey, the interviewer is guided by a prepaired questionnaire. Although the mail survey has almost the same featyres as the telephone survey, the differences are that the mail survey method does not permit any deeper probe on the expressed opinion and it usually takes the mail survey to be accomplished in 8 to 12 weeks. Twice longer than the telephone survey. The procedures used in the study is the telephone and mail survey methods. The questionnaire is composed of ten questions, which are in a simple and direct english language so as not to confuse the individual answering the questions. The most imporatant questions are placed at the first half of the questionnaire wherein sufficient space is also provided after each question, allowing other comments/opinions to be expressed. For the mail survey, the return addressed is printed on the questionnaire and a self-addressed postage paid stamp is sent along with the mail survey forms (StatPac, Inc., 1-2). Before Hurricane Ike made its actual land fall, 50% of the viewing public was closely watching its progress (The Pew Research Center, 1), and has already triggered gas prices to soar (, pp1-3). Concerned government offices and personnel dissiminated safety warnings and encouraged local residents to evacuate and leave their homes due to pending disasters. A week after Hurricane Ike’s landfall, residents were persistent in finding out all they could about their homes including going back to see how things are. Authorities on the other hand on

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Patient narrative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Patient narrative - Essay Example Besides, they enable the medical personnel especially the nurses to develop a close relationship with the patient. Since, it makes the patient feel cared for apart from developing trust amid the medical practitioners and the ailing people owing to the practitioners’ exercise of compassion while executing their duties, interacting, listening and advising them accordingly hence, accelerate their recovery (Larsson, P, 2012, p. 17). The health care provider should be skilled at ensuring the patient’s comfort (Alder, B, 1999). This can be done through listening, monitoring and managing the flow of the interactions. During this interview, it became ostensible that the establishment of a rapport is essential in evoking comprehension of the patient’s perspective. The aim of this narrative is to critically evaluate the biomedical and biopsychosocial perspectives, as well as influences on the health and on the well being of a patient, a 32 year old female who is suffering from chronic back pains and type 2 diabetes. In accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery council (2008) ethics, confidentiality of the patient has been maintained, and the patient will be referred to as â€Å"Sally†. This narrative introduces Sally as a patient suffering from obesity. Oakley established that female respondents in a research are happy to open up about life and health issues to female interviewers who could share in the same experiences. Sally has opted to consumption of junk food and intense smoking due to a failed relationship. According to Erickson, a man goes through a series of development phases in which he runs into a conflict between a desirable outcome, which he needs, and an undesirable outcome which he does not need. According to the... A Patient narrative highlights and offers in-depth understanding of an ailing person’s life besides malady’s history (Herman, D, 2011). Principally, this encompasses varied aspects, which comprise one’s life besides medical challenges faced by the patient where if not attended to effectively might worsen one’s condition. This entails socio-economic, environmental, psychological and holistic aspects, which are essential in attaining the full recuperation of an individual (Spury, L, 2008). Besides, they enable the medical personnel especially the nurses to develop a close relationship with the patient. Since, it makes the patient feel cared for apart from developing trust amid the medical practitioners and the ailing people owing to the practitioners’ exercise of compassion while executing their duties, interacting, listening and advising them accordingly hence, accelerate their recovery. In this regard, research has shown out that the fall of the biomedical model came from the fact that it predicts that all illness only have a unit cause, ill health comes about because of a state that is psychological, and that after the correction of the disease, the patient’s health becomes healthy automatically. Nurses need to use the biophysical care approach because it is a model that emphasizes the advantage of getting to know about the human health and disease. It is a model that considers social factors, biological psychology, and their interaction in the understanding of illness, health, and delivery of health care.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Real Property Rights and Environmental Impact Research Paper

Real Property Rights and Environmental Impact - Research Paper Example Since environment is finite, ecological limitations will ultimately constrain human activities. The interrelations within human reliance on and restriction of environment gives the land paramount role in the society (John J. Fittipaldi 56). Understanding real property rights include politics, philosophy, economics, sociology and law. Restrained distinctions need to be created. The conclusions are often ambiguous. Reasonable people may disagree. Agronomic, biological and engineering aspects have to be considered in finding the limits of resource ownership, division or responsibilities on environment and effects on the third party. History, customs, facts and circumstances of specific cases are crucial in debate over property rights and environment. Real property is not a relationship between things and people but a relationship between people in regards to things around him. The social and legal significance of real property is not the tangible part of it; rather the rights that are a ttach to it (John Ratcliffe 89). An important characteristic has to be put between property rights and property ownership. Consequently, tenants have the right to use properties owned by other individuals in return of rent payment. A relevant example is the difference between trade in annual allocation –temporally trade, and trade in irrigation entitlement-permanent trade, where ownership of long term right to use is not altered. Steps have been made in application of concepts of real property rights to environmental issues, especially irrigation, where water is seen as trading innovator. Certainly, the logic of eradicating the past stiff attachment of rights to use irrigation schemes to particular lands is now hardly questioned. Nonetheless, while thinking about real properties rights is an important step in illuminating responsibilities for environmental management and assessing any claims for compensation, changes in property rights should not be oversold as an answer to e nvironmental crisis (Robinson 98). Real property can assist rationing of resources among different individuals and uses, but will not end any dispute over the impact of the rationing program. On this reasoning, a rigid legal approach to irrigators’ property rights would have a negative economic impact and political reaction. Current attitude on irrigators is that they are being supported by government, including unspoken approval of associated environmental damages. On a different perspective, environmental contamination often has a considerable impact upon real property. Buyers and sellers dedicate significant efforts towards negotiating a price in the sale of the contaminated property which accounts for its needs to be reinter ceded under the management of environment agencies (Australia 23). The eventual price agreed upon is usually replicating a negative effect caused by the subsistence of environmental pollution. There are numerous ways in which environmental situation m ay affect the valuation of real property tax appeal context (Roger LeRoy Miller 86). Arguments over property rights are forefront of debate over irrigation and the environment. Contradicting elucidations of the current political and legal situation highlight the need for practicality if excellent outcome are to be obtained in environmental

Writing a report about 4 presentations and discuss them each Coursework

Writing a report about 4 presentations and discuss them each presentation 2 pages - Coursework Example n time we may become addicted to the internet and this presentation allowed us to judge our usage of internet and whether we need to take steps to curtail our growing addiction. This topic is very important and should be taken up by every class. In terms of the presentation, I very acutely felt that at this level, groups should not be reading material from their notes or slides. They should come well-prepared. Even though the group was well dressed and presentable, they did not focus on delivering a strong presentation. The group was not very professional in my opinion and one member was too quiet. The final speaker did not seem well-rehearsed. Since the final speaker was not very convincing, at the conclusion, the presentation seemed to fall apart. Since the last part remains in the minds of the viewers the most, the presentation became weak due to this. The beginning and end should always be strong to retain interest of the viewers. The good point of the presentation was the fact that the group was able to properly define the scope of their topic. In this way, they were able to exclude irrelevant information which made the presentation crisp and easy to understand. This also made the conclusion clearer and easier to grasp. However, the presentation lacked a little due to the fact that it was not very interest grabbing. If the group had included case studies in the presentation, the topic would have become more interesting and the students would have taken the concept home. They could have taken people from their own surroundings and researched on them. A profile of these addicts could have been developed which would have made the presentation more appealing to us- the viewers. Apart from that, the research depended on scholarly research which made the research more credible. Additionally, the content was up-to-date and taken from 2011 studies which was another good point. This aspect of the research made it convincing and created a professional look of the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Person Centered Counseling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Person Centered Counseling - Essay Example His professional struggle against orthodox psychiatry has reminded a scholar of Martin Luther’s stand against the catholic church. Roger’s person centered approach (to psychotherapy; to education; to small encounter groups; and to larger groups assembled for the purpose of improving transitional understanding, exploring intergroup conflicts, and learning the nature of culture and its formation) has been committed to such contortions. For example, there is a proposal to wed the person-centered approach with Taoism’s technique of the â€Å"microcosmic orbit†, and no less serious, coupling the person-centered approach with a French Physician’s philosophy of human development based on the architecture of the human inner ear. Another past time is to construct elaborate arguments to show Rogers was in the Existentialist line of dissension and then scold him for not admitting his debt to his forbearers. The fact is what are called existential attitudes and behaviours in his approach developed independently of any contact with the philosophy of extentialism. It was while he was director of the counseling center at the University of Chicago and Roger’s major work on psychotherapy was well established that his intellectual trajectory intersected with the Extentionalists. His intention as a psychotherapist and his research methods concentrated on the phenomenon of effective therapy. Thus, one may find many examples of phenomenology in his work.. The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, while writing on the "collective unconscious", is said to have coined the term translated "transpersonal". Like most of psychology, transpersonal psychology intends to help individuals realize deeper self-understanding, improve the health of their minds and bodies and lead more effective lives. In working with individual clients, transpersonal psychologists are said to be dealing with more than just the mere persona. Thus, they focus their attention on the whole person: "Spirit, mind and body". Though this may be the goal of other psychotherapies, it is the means that transpersonal psychologists may differ from their colleagues. To accomplish their objectives, they may analyze dreams, explore "peak experiences", or delve into paranormal phenomena, such as revelations from "past lives". Other methods may involve provoking altered states of consciousness through the use of drugs, hypnosis, guided fantasies, breathing exercises, meditation, and other "spiritual" practices. It is unlikely that Rogers would have approved of some of these activities, particularly where the therapists exerts authoritarian control over the client. Certainly he could not be considered to be a transpersonal psychologist in an unqualified sense. Roger's world view and his practice of psychotherapy should be understood as a integrated approach that he cultivated over his entire life. His (person-centered) approach evolved over time out of a specific stance or way of being, which can be described as consisting not only of certain beliefs and attitudes, but also abilities that improved with

Thursday, July 25, 2019

What are some guidelines that would help one achieve individuality Essay

What are some guidelines that would help one achieve individuality - Essay Example Different people require different environment to develop and there is no single life pattern suitable for everyone (Ten, 1980). On individuality, John Stuart Mill recommends that people should not follow the custom just because it is the norm. Conforming would only compare human beings to apes and sheep, which rely on faculty of imitation (Mill, Anderson & Anderson, 2003). Instead, Mill wants people to choose their course of life more reflectively basing their decisions on their own experiences. Attaining individuality is dependent of reflection and deliberation. This involves use of distinctive human faculties including judgment, perception, mental activity, discriminative feeling and moral preference (Mill, Anderson & Anderson, 2003). Since individual natures are not transparent, people experience living, deliberate and reflect on these experiences and derive lessons from them. Following the lessons, an individual should then make right inferences regarding what is more suitable for them (Mill, Anderson & Anderson, 2003). In light of Mills’ advocacy for developing individuality, Vincent Ruggiero (2008) gives four steps that act as guidelines to assist in achieving individuality. The first step according to Ruggiero (2008) is treating an individual’s first reaction to another person, situation or issue with suspicion (Ruggiero, 2008). A person should not at first embrace that feeling or reaction without examining the reason as to why they reacted in such a manner. People, issue or situations bring out feeling of joy, shock, disappointment or hurt. It is important that a person, before internalizing these feeling, understands why they occurred in the first place. The second step involves deciding why they reacted as they did during the encounter. At this stage, if possible an individual should determine what specific

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS FINANCE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS FINANCE - Essay Example A well reputed business will attract a vast pool of franchisees in the foreign land as brand recognition is one of the key advantages that every franchisee is keen to get from a franchise contract. Through franchising an organization can avoid many of the start up problems that it can face in a new country. By having a local person as a franchisee in order to sell its products the organization will be able to gain trust of the people of the new country and it will not feel alienated in a foreign land. Moreover the franchisee may guide the organization to gain recognition in its new market by applying specifically those marketing techniques that correspond to the taste of the general public. Additionally the organization will have a promising return in shape of royalty fees. But franchising also entails some drawbacks as an overseas expansion strategy. Firstly, the organization will face cultural barriers especially the language barrier (if the language of the home country and foreign country are different) while finding a suitable franchisee and then initiating its operations in a new territory. Secondly, the organization personals have to visit the foreign country, and most probably stay there for some time, in order to acquaint themselves with the ground realities and assist the initiation of operations. Thirdly, heavy capital investment will be needed in order to install machineries in new place. Lastly, the organization has to constantly inspect the franchisee operations in order to ensure quality consistency which is the essential characteristic of any franchise. 2. Licensing: licensing can be comparatively a safe mode of expanding overseas in which an organization (the licensor) permits the company (the licensee) in a target market to use its property which is usually intangible e.g. patents, trademarks and production techniques (Quick MBA n.d.). Licensing reduces risk as the licensor produces and markets the product while licensor receives the license fe e. Moreover licensor can get a higher ROI because of its minimum investment. Furthermore licensing is an effective tool to avoid the trade barriers and helps the organization to develop its brand name by familiarizing itself in the foreign country through licensing. But licensing is not without its drawbacks. The licensor does not get mega brand recognition in the new territory because it is not producing the producing but merely extending its name/label to the product. Even more there is a potential danger of knowledge spillovers and licensee may become a competitor in future once the license time period is over. 3. Joint Venture: joint ventures can be defined as "an enterprise in which two or more investors share ownership and control over property rights and operation" (Market Entry Strategies n.d.).While joint venture facilitates the sharing of technology and work load it also ensures financial strength. Joint venture entails medium level of control as both the organizations in it work at the same level and there is no one boss who can dictate the working of joint venture rather it is more about mutual cooperation. It is a very suitable way of entering in a foreign market when the organization wants to create a synergy by combining two teams that have distinct skills and when combined together can produce outstanding results. Joint venture can prove to be an inappropriate way of entering in a new market when the partners in a joint venture can be potential competitors and have same line of products. In these cases join venture

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words - 3

Project Management - Essay Example roject manager,  £75 per hour for managerial staff,  £65 per hour for technical specialists, $55 per hour for senior development staff and  £45 per hour for development staff. The total project duration, as per Appendix B, is from 10th January of year 1 to 21st April of Year 2, which is a total of 101 days or approximately 65 weeks. The project Manager has to be paid for the entire duration of the project, hence amount payable to project manager for working 37 hours per week for 65 weeks amounts to  £2,28,475. Managerial staff are likely to be paid during the analysis and workshops section of every phase. As per Appendix B, this segment lasts for 102 days in Phase 1, 82 days in Phase 2 and 67 days during Phase 3. This amounts to a total of 251 days or approximately 35 weeks. The daily wages payable for 4 members of managerial staff for a 37 hour week works out to a maximum of  £3,88,500. The development segment for phase 1 is 102 days, phase 2 is 93 days, phase 3 is 55 days, bringing it to a total of 250 days or approximately 35 weeks. Senior development staff are likely to be used for this stage of the project. An estimation of maximum possible costs for six senior developmental staff working a 37 hour week works out to  £4,27,350. The testing and training stage of the project would be where technicians are working, and this is 61 days during phase 1, 30 days during phase 2 and 14 days during phase 3, i.e., a total of 105 days or approximately 15 weeks or  £1,44,300. The deployment and handover stages are likely to be carried out by the development staff and the duration of these stages are 18 days for phase 1 and six days each for phases 2 and 3 respectively; i.e., a total of 24 days or approximately 3 weeks. For 10 members being paid  £45 per hour for a 37 hour working week, the total amount works out to  £4,99,500. Also to be factored in are the costs of hardware procurement and development, which have been estimated by Stuart Dickson as being about

Monday, July 22, 2019

Pips Shadow Parents Essay Example for Free

Pips Shadow Parents Essay He then takes Pips hands, and causes him to be disorientated and feel very weak and vunerable. This is, again, like a metaphor for Pips whole world being shaken up and turned on his head, and he has control, he is pushed out of his comfort zone by this stranger, and so it creates a strange bond with him, because then Magwitch has total control over Pip. Magwitch exerts his new found control over the boy to pressure him into stealing for him, and if Pip fails this, the fate is death. The mention of death has a huge emotional impact on Pip. Magwitch also uses his eyes to great effect to scare Pip, intensifying his stare to pressure Pip even more. Dickens focuses on the eyes and hands in Great Expectations because they show the methods, which Magwitch uses, and the look in Magwitchs eyes reveals a lot about his desperate attitude. The BBC dramatization of this echoes this, because the actor who plays Magwitch uses his eyes to great extent, looking Pip all over, checking him out, and the whole scene is reproducted even down to the last detail. When Magwitch is led away in Chapter 5, we dont hear much about him until his return in Chapter 39. What we find out is that Magwitch was taken to Australia by the dreaded hulks and worked in sheep farming, and this is the source of Magwitchs money, which he uses to fund Pips journey to London, and to become a gentleman. However, when Magwitch is away in Australia, he sends Pip money, in other words, he is Pips benefactor. We find out this in chapter 39. Dickens plays with the idea that Pip has no idea where all this mysterious money is coming from, and it is quite amusing. A huge sum of around five hundred pounds (a huge amount of money in the 19th century) arrives for him via Jaggers in Chapter 36. Pip is still confused and thinks that it is Miss Havisham who sends him the money; however, Miss Havisham denies this fact. Miss Havisham, whom Pip first meets in Chapter 8, conveys herself as a mysterious character, who is sitting upon a great fortune, but who will not spend it. Miss Havisham, despite the fact she doesnt give Pip any money, still plays a major part in sending him to London. Miss Havisham acts as Pips shadow mother; because she gives him advice like a mother would give to her own son. Frequent visits to Satis House build up the relationship between Miss Havisham and Pip, and in addition to this, Pip and Estella, since their first meeting, grow more tolerant towards each other. Estella has treated Pip like dirt since their first meeting in Chapter 8. We know that there is a link between Compeyson and Pips shadow parents. Compeyson is Magwitchs arch enemy, since Compeyson split the beans and blamed all his misdemeanours on Magwich. Miss Havisham, as we discover in Chapter 42, reveals that Compeyson was the con-man who ruined Miss Havishams life by failing to show up at her wedding. The social class system in the mid-19th century was much stronger than it is today. There was a more obvious divide between the rich and the poor. Nowadays, it is less apparent. At the time Dickens is writing, it was easier to become a gentleman. Before the novel, the only way you could become a gentleman was to be born into a rich upper-class family, and brought up in decent surroundings. Pip was born in the working-class band and works his way to becoming a gentleman, aided along the way by Miss Havisham. Dickens writing style throughout the whole novel ends the novel on a cliff-hanger. The reason for this is because of the original format of the book. Great Expectations was published in a journal format (one chapter per journal) in a publication called All The Year Round from December 1, 1860 to August 3, 1861. The writing style is apparent throughout the whole novel. 1,207 words   English Coursework Mr Bacsich James Cull Page 1 08/05/2007 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Great Expectations section.

Pregnancy and Briefly Informs Jessica Essay Example for Free

Pregnancy and Briefly Informs Jessica Essay Jessica is a 30-year-old immigrant from Mexico City. She and her husband Marco have been in the U.S. for the last 3 years and have finally earned enough money to move out of their Aunt Maria’s home and into an apartment of their own. They are both hard workers. Jessica works 50 hours a week at a local restaurant, and Marco has been contracting side jobs in construction. Six months before their move to an apartment, Jessica finds out she is pregnant. Four months later, Jessica and Marco arrive at the county hospital, a large, public, nonteaching hospital. A preliminary ultrasound indicates a possible abnormality with the fetus. Further scans are conducted and it is determined that the fetus has a rare condition in which it has not developed any arms, and will not likely develop them. There is also a 25% chance that the fetus may have Down syndrome. Dr. Wilson, the primary attending physician is seeing Jessica for the first time, since she and Marco did not receive earlier prenatal care over concerns about finances. Marco insists that Dr. Wilson refrain from telling Jessica the scan results, assuring him that he will tell his wife himself when she is emotionally ready for the news. While Marco and Dr. Wilson are talking in another room, Aunt Maria walks into the room with a distressed look on her face. She can tell that something is wrong and inquires of Dr. Wilson. After hearing of the diagnosis, she walks out of the room wailing loudly and praying out loud. Marco and Dr. Wilson continue their discussion, and Dr. Wilson insists that he has an obligation to Jessica as his patient and that she has a right to know the diagnosis of the fetus. He furthermore is intent on discussing all relevant factors and options regarding the next step, including abortion. Marco insists on taking some time to think of how to break the news to Jessica, but Dr. Wilson, frustrated with the direction of the conversation, informs the husband that such a choice is not his to make. Dr. Wilson proceeds back across the hall, where he walks in on Aunt Maria awkwardly praying with Jessica and phoning the priest. At that point, Dr. Wilson gently but briefly informs Jessica of the diagnosis, and lays out the option for abortion as a responsible medical alternative, given the quality of life such a child would have. Jessica looks at him and struggles to hold back her tears.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Overview On The Software Crisis Information Technology Essay

Overview On The Software Crisis Information Technology Essay The term software crisis has been used since the late 1960s to describe those recurring system development problems in which software development problems cause the entire system to be late, over budget, not responsive to the user and/or customer requirements, and difficult to use, maintain, and enhance. The software development level is lower than the hardware manufacturing level because the hardware are manufactured fast and the software development takes more time. The construction of new software that is both pleasing to the user/buyer and without latent errors is an unexpectedly hard problem. It is perhaps the most difficult problem in engineering today, and has been recognized as such for more than 15 years. It is often referred to as the software crisis. It has become the longest continuing crisis in the engineering world, and it continues unabated. Software is the set of instructions that govern the actions of a programmable machine. Software includes application programs, sy stem software, utility software, and firmware. Software does not include data, procedures, people, and documentation. In this tutorial, software is synonymous with computer programs. Because software is invisible, it is difficult to be certain of development progress or of product completeness and quality. Index terms software crisis, Reasons, impact. 1. INTRODUCTION:- Poorly functioning computer software is nowadays probably the largest source of annoyance after traffic jams and bad weather. The most often heard complaints about software are that it is buggy, that it does not function adequately, that it is too expensive, and that it is delivered late. Of course, one can wonder whether these grievances are really very consequential; judging from the large amount of money spent on software, apparently it is worth it. However, it is clear that the public expects better achievement from the software industry. Many software engineering experts believe the development of software is a hard to control process for which there are no methods and techniques available .This state of affairs is often referred to as the software crisis. Software crisis is a term used in the early days of software engineering. The term was used to describe the impact of rapid increases in computer power and the complexity of the problems which could be tackled. This was with regards to the difficulty in writing correct, understandable and verifiable computer programs.   software is not manufactured like hardware; it does not have a production phase nor manufactured spare parts like hardware; it is typically custom-built, not assembled from existing components like hardware. Even in todays society, software is viewed with suspicion by many individuals, such as senior managers and customers, as somewhat akin to black magic. The result is that software is one of the most difficult artifacts of the modern world to develop and build. Software is often too complex to be entirely understood by a single individual. We can try to manage complexity by dividing the system into subsystems, but, as systems grow, the interaction between subsystems increases non-linearly. It is notoriously difficult to establish an adequate and stable set of requirements for a software system. Often there are hidden assumptions, there is no analytic procedure for determining when the users have told the developers everything they need to know, and developers and users do not have a common understanding of terms used. Perhaps the first mention of the software crisis in the secondary literature on the history of computing came in Michael S. Mahoneys landmark 1988 paper The History of Computing in the History of Technology. This was Mahoneys first published paper on computing, though by this point his interest in the topic had been growing for some years and he had already educated himself by auditing the core series of undergraduate computer science classes at Princeton. The interaction between the different parts of a system makes change difficult. Software is essentially thought stuff (that is, the result of a thought process) and much of what is important about software is not manifest in the programs themselves (such as the reasons for making design decisions). A requirements specification for a system contains, perhaps implicitly, an application domain model (for example, describing the rules of air traffic). Development of application domain theories is very difficult. Because software development depends on an educated workforce and good communications rather than on a fixed plant of any kind, software is inherently a suitable export product for developing countries. Although the US is still strong in software design and project management, the article notes that third world countries-notably India and Far Eastern countries-are capable of producing many more lines of code per dollar. Today software engineering is fairly popular academic field of study, with conferences, journals, and degree programs. However historians have noted with some frequency that basic debates over its identity were never really resolved and that the rhetoric of a crisis in software development has likewise endured for many decades. Nothing in the broad outline of this established narrative is altogether false. Yet the increasingly entrenched position of the software crisis and the 1968 NATO Conference in the historical literature has gradually led to the distortion of their actual nature, historical significance, and context. At the same time, surprisingly little attention has been paid to the actual background, experiences and intellectual interests of the conference attendees or to the spread of the software crisis concept after the conference itself. I begin with a review of the software crisis concept and 1968 NATO Conference in the secondary historical literature, from their first appearance in 1988 to the present day. Over time the implied scope of the software crisis has grown, as has the implied importance of software engineering as a new identity for programming practice. In the rest of the paper I go back to the original sources to try to reconstruct the actual significance of the meeting and its associated crisis, and to sketch some neglected aspects of the broader history of software and programming in order to better contextualize them. Term software has led to widespread misinterpretation of the scope of the crisis, which was initially understood to afflict only operating systems and programming languages. This leads to an analysis of the backgrounds and affiliations of the participants, from which I conclude that almost all were oriented toward research rather than development, and to systems software rather than applications. Among the groups not represented at the conference were data processing managers (responsible for administrative computing program development within computer using organizations), business school experts on computer use, the managers of large industrial software development projects, specialists in data base management systems, and representatives of software product companies. From the perspectives of these other groups, particularly data processing, neither the NATO Conference nor software engineering nor does the software crisis loom very large. Instead I document a range of computer rel ated crises and chronic complains from the 1950s onward, most of which are constructed as failure to meet the goals of the broader organization rather than being seen narrowly as failures of software. 2. Reasons The reasons for software crisis are as follows: 2.1 Poor/inadequate planning:-It is necessary to plan before what we are going to develop so, if the proper planning is not done then it results in poor software. 2.2 Lose control and review:-Formal and technical reviews ensures the software quality and helps in error finding so, if reviews are not done there will be not proper development. 2.3 Technical incompetence:-Good Technical support is very important because this include the function and the code which results the output. So, technical incompetence results in software crisis. 2.4 Non-engineering approach:-If the development is lacking the engineering approach. 2.5 Projects running over-budget:-Any project requires an amount in developing the project to meet the resources, human resource or machines. So if there will be less budget then the project development will be affected. 2.6 Projects running over-time:-It is very important that the project should be delivered at the right time. So the project running over time will result to software crisis. 2.7 Software was of low quality:-Software should be of good quality means that the output should be proper and the graphics should be user friendly. 2.8 Software often did not meet requirements:-The software should meet the requirements of user. In software validation this is checked that is the software is meeting the requirements of the user or not. 2.9 Projects were unmanageable and code difficult to maintain:-The unmanageable code results in difficulty in maintenance of the project . There are a number of reasons why software construction is an inherently hard process to master. Specification plays a central role here; therefore, better means of specification improve productivity. One way of achieving this may be the use of formal specification languages. 3.IMPACT The following are the impacts of the software crisis. 3.1 The software will be not up to the mark of hardware. The manufacturing speed of the hardware is faster then the development of the software which results the software crisis. so, the impact of this is that the level of the hardware produces is not matched with the software. 3.2 Incompetence between the hardware and the software. 4.REFRENCES: 4.1 4.2. Springer An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering, 3rd Edition.[14/571]. 4.3. SE-Pressman-SE-A-PRACTITIONERS-APPROACH [ 39 ].

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Latin America: A Legacy of Oppression Essay -- essays research papers

Latin America: A Legacy of Oppression When the Europeans first arrived in Latin America, they didn’t realize the immensity of their actions. As history has proven, the Europeans have imposed many things on the Latin American territory have had a long, devastating effect on the indigenous people. In the centuries after 1492, Europeans would control much of South America and impose a foreign culture upon the already established civilizations that existed before their arrival. These imposed ideas left the continent weak and resulted in the loss of culture, the dependence on European countries, and a long standing ethnic tension between natives and settlers which is evident even to this day. The indigenous people of South America, which included the Aztec, Olmec, and the Maya cultures of Central America and the Inca of South America, had developed complex civilizations, which made use of calendars, mathematics, writing, astronomy, the arts, and architecture. Unfortunately for them, the Europeans cared little about the culture they would be obliterating, and cared more about their own ulterior motives. Before the influence of the Europeans, the different tribes scattered throughout Latin America would be viewed by â€Å"western† standards as somewhat barbaric. The European friars were horrified by native practices and felt obligated to â€Å"eliminate† them. (Gibson 72) An extremely Christianized view of the natives was formed which viewed them as ignorant pagans. Some accounts reported that, â€Å"The natives were so savage and stupid as to be beyond belief. For the say, these early tribes were bestial, and that many ate human flesh; others taking their mothers and daughters for their wives, besides committing other great sins, having much intercourse with the devil, who they served and held in high esteem†(Hanson 29). This extremely biased thinking was common in the era of colonization among settled Europeans and sparked a crusade of Christianity on the aboriginal tribes to â€Å"westernize† their civilizations. The Europeans felt free to do this because they â€Å"found no native tradition worth preserving and where the Indian element was absorbed almost imperceptibly into the alien† (Salas 42). The European powers hid under a veil of Christianity to gain support for the underlying atrocities they were committing to the people of Latin America. The European government’s main goal ... ...s, 1966 Hanson, Earl Parker. South from the Spanish Main, Delacorte Press, 1967 "Latin America." Encarta. CD-ROM. Seattle: Microsoft, 2001. Leon, Juana Ponce de. Our Word is Our Weapon, Seven Stories Press, 2001 Liss, Peggy K. and Liss, Sheldon B. Man, State, and Society in Latin America, Praeger Publishers, 1972 Lyon, Patricia J. Native South Americans: Ethnology of the Least Known Continent, Little, Brown and Company, 1974 McDonald, Ronald H. and Ruhl, J. Mark. Party Politics and Elections in Latin America, Westview Press, 1989 â€Å"The Peace of Latin America.† National Geographic October 1905: 479-480 Picon-Salas, Mariano. A Cultural History of Spanish America, University of California Press, 1963 Radin, Paul. Indians of South America, Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc., 1942 Ribeiro, Claudio de Oliveira. â€Å"Has Liberation Theology Died?† The Ecumenical Review Jul. 1999: 304 Toplin, Robert Brent. Slavery and Race Relations in Latin America, Greenwood Press, 1940 Veliz, Claudio. The Centralist Tradition of Latin America, Princeton University Press, 1980

Friday, July 19, 2019

Black Thursday Stock Market Crash Essay -- American History, Great Dep

In early 1928 the Dow Jones Average went from a low of 191 to a high of 300 in December of 1928 and peaked at 381 in September of 1929. 1929Â…) It was anticipated that the increases in earnings and dividends would continue. (1929Â…) Price to earnings ratio's rose from 10 to 12 to 20 and higher for the market's favorite stocks. (1929Â…) Observers believed that stock market prices in the first 6 months of 1929 were high, while others saw them to be cheap. (1929Â…) On October 3rd, the Dow Jones Average began to drop, declining through out the week of October 14th. (1929Â…) On the night of Monday, October 21st, 1929, margin calls were heavy and Dutch and German calls came in to sell overnight for the Tuesday morning opening. (1929Â…) On Tuesday morning, out of town banks and corporations called in $150 million of call loans, and Wall Street was in a panic before the New York Stock Exchange opened. (1929Â…) On Thursday, October 24th, 1929, people began to sell their s tocks as fast as they could., sell orders flooded market exchanges. (1929Â…) This day became known as Black Thursday. (Black ThursdayÂ…) On a normal day, only 750-800 members of the New York Stock Exchange started the exchange. (1929Â…) There were 1100 members on the floor for the morning opening. (1929Â…) Furthermore, the exchange directed all employees to be on the floor since there were numerous margin calls and sell orders placed overnight, extra telephone staff was arranged at the member's boxes around the floor. (1929Â…) The Dow Jones Average closed at 299 that day. (1929Â…) On Tuesday, October 29th, 1929, the crash began. (1929Â…) Within the first few hours , the price fell so far as to wipe out all gains that had been made the entire previous year. (1929Â…) This day the Dow Jones... ...cial reports were reliable. After the crash, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was established to law down the law and to punish those who violated. (1929Â…) Also during the crash 4,000 banks failed, for the simple fact that the banks ran out of money. Four years later, congress passed the Glass-Steagall Act, which essentially banned any connection between commercial banks and investment banking, to ensure that is would never happen again. The Federal Reserve and other banking regulators have softened some of the Act's separation of securities and banking functions by letting banks sell certain securities through affiliated companies. (1929Â…) Bibliography 1. c Black Thursday: The 1929 Stock Market Crash. 2. 1929 Stock Market Crash. 3. 1929-1931. Annals of America. Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc. Volume 15: 32-39

Hagar is to Blame for her own Misfurtune in Margaret Lawrences The Stone Angel :: essays research papers

It is impossible to avoid unpleasant situations throughout an individual’s lifetime, especially if they are a result of bad luck or another combination of events beyond one’s control. Misfortune however can also be self-inflicted. This particular case is apparent in Margaret Lawrence’s The Stone Angel, a novel in which the protagonist, Hagar Shipley’s continuous misfortune is a direct result of several of her character flaws. An exaggerated sense of pride, a lack of compassion and empathy and an inability to communicate clearly are Hagar’s most prominent character flaws, and perpetually bring about misfortune. Many of Hagar’s relationships have been hindered, or have eventually deteriorated as a result of her exaggerated sense of pride. Because of this her misfortune in relationships is self inflicted, as she decides consciously or unconsciously to sustain her pride rather than her relationships. When Hagar decides to marry Brampton Shipley, a man thought to be unsuitable for someone of her social status, her father literally forbids her to wed. He tells Hagar that his thoughts are solely for her welfare and that to marry without a fathers consent is simply not done. More to spite him rather than to defend her personal conviction, Hagar says â€Å"It’ll be done by me.† (Laurence 49). This defiant and rash remark results in the loss of her father’s relationship, and the loss of of her sound financial future, as Hagar is left no money in her father’s will. Her decision is clearly based on pride. Similar behavior is seen throughout the novel. Another unattractive personality trait of Hagar’s is her insensitivity to others. Hagar consistently focuses on herself and does not empathize with others in a situation, regardless of their difficult circumstances. This is destructive to her relationships. Individuals would not feel as if they mattered. This lack of empathy also explains her inability to generate new relationships. An example is when Hagar’s son Marvin and daughter in law Doris, confront Hagar about their inadequate physical or emotional capabilities to care for her. They then suggest she move into a retirement home. After a long argument, Hagar is reduced to tears. Marvin and Doris are then distressed - Hagar simply says â€Å"Good. They’re frightened. I hope they’re scared to death.† (Lawrence 77). This lack of empathy causes Hagar’s insensitivity to Doris even though Doris herself is not in prime physical condition.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

1994 Rwandan Genocide Essay

The 1994 Rwandan Genocide impacted on a lot of people in a lot of different ways. In this essay the causes I will be covering are ethnic tension as a result of Belgium Colonisation, Propaganda and hate rhetoric, the role of the international community, and political problems. The consequences I will be covering are causalities, the economic effects, remembrance and education, and population displacement. In this small country in Africa called Rwanda this terrible killing took place. The Rwandan Genocide began on April 6th 1994 when the president was assassinated, followed by the prime minster the next day. It lasted 100 days, â€Å"100 days of slaughter† ending on the 18th of July 1994. The genocide included many groups. The perpetrators were – Hutu civilians, Hutu army, Interhamwe-the youth of Hutu organised into an extremist militia, and radio RTLM-a radio station announcing to kill all Tutsis. Victims included – Tutsi, Hutu political moderates for example prime minster AgatheUwilingiyimana. Other groups include – RPF (Rwandan Patriotic Front). President Juvenal Habyarimana who was in charge if the Hutu government, and the international community for example the UN (United Nations) Peacekeepers. During these 100 days of slaughter hundreds of thousands of Tutsi we killed. Women and girls we raped, and many tortured by having their breast chopped off and sharp objects inserted into their vaginas. Many people tried to hind in schools and churches but were found and executed. I have just written about the context and the course of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. I am now going to write the causes of this horrific event starting with ethnic tension as a result of Belgium Colonisation. Ethnic tension as a result of Belgium Colonisation is arguably the biggest cause in the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. It is a political and social cause that happened over a long period of time. Starting in 1860 and coming right down to 1926. In 1860 the first Tutsi king was appointed. In 1884 German explorer Carl Peters enters the Rwandan kingdom and obtains treaty rights. In 1885 Germany declares a protectorate over present-day Rwanda. In 1890 Rwanda accepts German colonial rule with resistance. A German territorial administrator is not appointed until 1907. In 1916 WW1 Belgium Allied Forces capture German East Africa. In 1924 Great Britten assumes control over Tanzania, while Belgium is granted trusteeship over Rwanda and Burundi. Belgium Colonisation begins. In 1926 Rwandans were given an identity card showing if a person was Hutu, Tutsi or Twa. Prior to colonisation people could ‘jump’ races e. g. Hutu’s could become Tutsi’s. Callipers were the tools of colonisation. The size of the cranium and nose and the colour of the eyes were the factors that determined whether a person was a Hutu, Tutsi or Twa. The result of the unfair system was – Tutsi could have government positions, be landlords, be supervisors of Hutu, collect taxes, get an education (only Tutsi could go to school after the colonisation), be an administrator for the justice system. Hutu were denied higher education, land ownership and positions in government. The identity cards that everyone was given were very clear they had what ethnic group they were from, their place of birth, their date of birth, their profession, their place of residence, the name of their spouse, their C. I number, and their signature. A quote form chief prosecutor of the international Rwandan court sums up this cause well â€Å"European colonial history was a major contributor to what eventually became the genocide in Rwanda†. The second cause I am going to discuss is Propaganda and hate rhetoric. This is a social Cause; it is short term because it happened quite fast after the death of the president and prime minster. Kangura Newspaper was a newspaper about how discussing the Tutsis were, this was launched by first lady AgatheHabyarimana in 1990. Kangura means wake them up in English. In the newspaper they had racist comments such as â€Å"They look like animals, actually they are animals†, â€Å"If you allow snakes to live amongst you, you will be exterminated†, â€Å"They look hideous with their bushy hair and beards that are full of fleas†. RTLM (Radio Television des Milles Collines) or commonly known as â€Å"Hate Radio†, used good rock music to get people to listen to it then they used in to convey hateful messages such as â€Å"cut down the tall trees† this meant for all Hutu extremists to wipe out the Tutsis. RTLM often referred to Tutsi as cockroaches. In 1990 Kangura newspaper published the 10 commandments for the Hutus they were an extended version of 1, Every Hutu must know that the Tutsi woman is working for the Tutsi ethnic cause Hutu is a traitor who a) Acquires a Tutsi wife, b)Acquires a Tutsi concubine, c) Acquires a Tutsi sectary or protegee. 2, Every Hutu must know that our Hutu daughters are more worthy and more conscientious as a woman, as wives and as mothers. 3, Hutu women, be vigilant and make sure that your husbands, brothers and sons see reason. , All Hutus must know that all Tutsis are dishonest in business. We have learned this from experience from experience. Hutu is a traitor who a) forms a business alliance with a Tutsi, b) invests in own funds/public funds in a Tutsi enterprise, c) Borrows money from/loans money to a Tutsi, d) Grants favours to Tutsis. 5, Strategic positions such as politics, administration, economics the military and security must be restricted to Hutu. 6, A Hutu majority must prevail throughout the education system. 7. The Rwandan Army must be exclusively Hutu. No Solider may marry Tutsi women. 8, Hutu must stop taking pity on the Tutsi. 9, Hutu wherever they are must stand united, in solidarity, and concerned with the fate of their Hutu brothers. Hutu must constantly counter Tutsi propaganda. Hutu must stand firm and vigilant against their common enemy. The Tutsi. 10, The social Revolution of 1959, the Referendum of 1961 and the Hutu Ideology must be taught to Hutu of every age. Hutu must spread the word. Any Hutu who persecutes his brother Hutu for spreading the word and teaching this ideology is a traitor. A quote from Leon Mugesera sums up this cause â€Å"The fatal mistake we made in 1959 was to let them escape †¦ they are foreigners from Ethiopia so we will send them by the shortest route throwing them into the Nagbarongo river. We must act. Wipe them all out†. The third cause I am going to discuss is the role of the international community; it is a political cause that is a short term because it became an issue soon after the colonisation. During this cause the world just stood by and watched. Following WW11 and the Holocaust, The United Nations adopted a resolution on December 9, 1948, which stated â€Å"genocide, whether committed in time of peace or time of war, is a crime under international law which they undertake to prevent and to punish†. There were two opportunities to intervene that were missed. In October 1993 The United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda began with the deployment of 21 troops under the command of Brigadier – General Romeo Allaire of Canada. Additional troops continued o arrive until February 1994, when the mission was fully staffed with 25,000 personnel. Many soldiers arrived without weapons, food or water; vehicles and radios were sent out second hand from other missions and rarely in working condition. On 11th January 1994 Officers were stockpiling weapons and training civilian militias; the level of preparedness would enable the murder of 1000 Tutsis every 20 minutes. This saying will finish off this cause nicely, â€Å"clearly, the massacres in Rwanda constituted genocide, so why didn’t the world steep into stop it? In my fourth and final cause I’m going to discuss political problems (the role of the Hutu extremists in the Habyarimana government and the catalyst). This is a political cause which was short term. President Juvenal Habyarimana came to power through a military coup in 1973. He promised national unity. By 1994 many Rwandans were calling for democratic government. In January 1994 in spite of increased state oppression and the French-supported up-build of armed forces, 50,000 Rwandans marched in a pro-democracy demonstration in Kigali. The build-up to the Hutu’s wanting power is over quite a short period of time†¦ only 3 years! In October 1990 civil war started when the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), a militia of Rwandan Tutsi excels and Hutu dissidents based in Uganda, invaded Rwanda. Thousands of Tutsis were arrested. In 1991 RPF military victories pressured President Habyarimana into drafting a new multi-party constitution. In 1992 UN led peace talks led between the RPF, The Rwanda government and 12 opposition parties to try and achieve a power-sharing agreement. In August 1993 Arusha Peace Accords were signed to neutral Tanzania. Hutu Power’ started broadcasting Tutsi hate messages in the media. In 1993 A Hutu Power Party no participating in the government established Radio/TV Libre de Millie Collines (RTLM) to get round the Arusha agreements explicit prohibition on government sponsored hate speech. I has been believed that the ‘final nail in coffin’ was the assignation of P resi dent Habyarimana. At 8. 30p. m on April 6, 1994, President Juvenal Habyarimana of Rwanda was returning from a summit in Tanzania where, under international pressure, he was negotiating with the opposition to reach a settlement. A surface-to-air missile shot the plane out of the sky. All on board were killed. I have just written about the causes of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide, I am now going to write about the consequences of the ‘100 days of slaughter’. Starting with causalities. The 1994 Rwandan Genocide left behind some major consequences but beyond all others the biggest is the casualties. This is a political, social and ideological cause and is most defiantly immediate timing because it happened during genocide obviously; so many people were left both physically and mentally scared. Over the course of 100 days from April 6 – July 16 1994 it is estimated 800,000 – 1 million Tutsi and some moderate Hutu were slaughtered. The UN estimated 800,000 but the Rwandan government has estimated 1,071,000. It’s very difficult to get exact numbers because these numbers do not include people who were thrown into river/lakes and those who were burnt. Mass graves held up to 50,000 making it even harder to count exact numbers. If the numbers of Tutsis living in Rwanda before and after the genocide are correct then 77% of the Tutsi population was wiped out. 8,640 per day; 360 per hour, 6 per minute. If this is correct this is the equation 6 people x 60 minutes x 24 hours x 100 days = 864,000 people! There is between 300,000 to 400,000 survivors. Almost 50,000 women were left without husbands. Almost 100,000 of the survivors were aged between 14 and 21. 75,000 of the survivors were orphaned. A 1999 study showed 80% of women surveyed showed signs of trauma. Many face health problems such as HIV/AIDS as a direct act of violence during the genocide. Some of the survivors are still threatened with violence, attacked or killed by former perpetrators. Almost all women and girls that survived were raped, many also tortured and mutilated by having their breasts cut off and sharp objects being inserted into their vaginas. Numbers of women and girls raped are somewhere between 250,000 and 500,000 exact numbers are not known. Children of rape during the genocide numbers are 2,000 to 5,000 children. Most children show trauma and signs of neglect. More than 67% of women raped were infected with HIV/AIDS. Men with HIV/AIDS used it as a weapon to leave their mark on Tutsi women and their families. To sum up the consequence what the presiding judge said after the verdict â€Å"From time immemorial, rape has been regarded as spoils of war. Now it will be considered a war crime. We want to send out a strong message that rape is no longer a trophy of war†. In the second consequence, I am going to discuss the economic effects. This is an economic consequence and it is immediate because the things that happened during left people with big struggles. The Rwandan government has struggled to rebuild the economy. In the year of the genocide, growth slumped by 50% and inflation reached 64%. Almost two thirds of the 8. million population live below the poverty line. Coffee is Rwandans major export. Rwanda exported 14,000 tonnes in 1986. The positives of the economic problems were the exiled business leaders returning home, since the genocide in 1994 business leaders have been returning home from Burundi, Congo, Uganda and Tanzania. Desire Kamanzi’s father sold his three houses in Burundi to return to Rwanda. This was no unusual. To sum up this consequence a quote from Leon Haguma, acting director of coffee marketing â€Å"All was abandoned, they were dead or had fled the country, there was nobody to work the plantations†. In the third consequence, I am going to discuss remembrance and education. This is a social consequence because most of Rwanda have contributed in some way. It is a long term consequence because it still goes on today and the world can’t see it stopping anytime soon. The focus of remembrance is to teach the history of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide and emphasise moral values. There are many memorial sites in Rwanda, which pays tribute to the hundreds of thousands killed. Marimba Technical School, where many victims were killed and still remain as a museum. Other ways of remembrance is art and photos taken in tribute such as people standing in a line with other people laying in front making human words saying END GENOCIDE NOW! There is also a national day of reflection in Rwanda on April 7th. To sum up this consequence a quote from Kofi Annan general of the UN in 1994, â€Å"If the pictures of tens of thousands of human bodies being gnawed on by dogs do not wake us out of our apathy, I do not know what will†. The fourth and final consequence I am going to write about population displacement. This is a political and social consequence because the government feel through and society took over. This is a short term consequence because lots of people started to come back into Rwanda once the genocide was over. The 1994 Rwandan Genocide resulted in massive exodus of refugees to bordering countries. Another one million people remained internally displaced in Rwanda itself. Millions of Hutu and displaced Tutsi had crowded refugee camps beyond the Rwandan boarders. International relief efforts were mobilised to care for refugees, but available supplies were inadequate and outbreaks of disease were widespread. More than 20,000 refugees died in cholera epidemic. During the genocide Tutsi and Hutu moderates fled. From April 1994 Tutsi and Hutu moderate refugees poured out of Rwanda and into neighbouring countries. After the genocide Tutsi refugees returned. In July 1994 when the seize fire was called Tutsis began to return to Rwanda, including refugees who had fled in the 1960’s. Hutu perpetrators fled the country. Genocide only ended when the RPF eventually defeated the Rwandan government’s armies and took control of the country. Retaliatory violence by Tutsis caused thousands of lives. By mid July, and estimated 2 million Hutu perpetrators and bystanders had fled. 850,000 refugees entered the area in just 4 days. During the influx, 15,000 refugees an hour crossed the Rwanda-Zaire boarder. The camps became like countries in exile for the Hutu extremists who used members of the Hutu army to maintain control of the refugee camps. Between July and November 1996 the refugee camps were shut down. One million exiles returned to Rwanda including tens of thousands of perpetrators who had been living side by side with Tutsi in the refugee camps. In November 1996 more than 600,000 Hutu refugees returned to Rwanda from Zaire. In December 500,000 returned from Tanzania. In summery†¦ Ironically, both Hutu perpetrators and Tutsi and Hutu moderate victims ended up in the same camps. In conclusion the causes I have just written about were the ethnic tension as a result of Belgium Colonisation, Propaganda and hate rhetoric, the role of the international community, political problems. The consequences I have just written about were the casualties, the economic effects, remembrance and education, and population displacement. All of these were major events that happened before, during and after the 1994 Rwanda Genocide there were also a number of other causes and consequences, causes are economic problems, and independence problems. The consequences were political effects, apologies from the international community, and justice, responsibility & reconciliation. A quote to sum up the 1994 Rwandan Genocide is, â€Å"The Rwandan Genocide is perhaps the most horrible and systematic human massacre we have had to witness since the extermination of the Jews by the Nazis†.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Complex and Dynamic Business World

The credit line globe has become much labyrinthine and more changing. Planning peters atomic number 18 intentional for permanent surroundingss. Therefore, readying should be tossed. Please, remark on this statement. 1035 Words 2 I. innovation In todays increasingly self-propelled and tortuous individualised credit line cosmos, it is consequential to regulate whether to social function and trust in prepargondness tools or if integrity should abandon them beca custom they argon made for more static environments. This try out pass on give an overview of the devicening tools and proficiencys that make up for assessing the environment. It will discuss the use of think tools in a interlacing and fighting(a) business world.The statement that plan should be aban finished with(p)d in a complex and active business world will be discussed in the following. II. alpha form A plan describes the elect settlement to a problem and lists what has to be d o neness to achieve the intent (Landau, 2012). We rouse categorise think into three founders. During the counterbalance portion goals draw to be defined. In the moment part the corresponding strategies lease to be established. The ordinal part focuses on finalising the plans. Managers use training tools and proficiencys to attention their organizations be more efficient and trenchant. (Robbins & Coulter, 2009) In a volatilizable and dynamic environment managers should non deposit on planning. They should use planning as an index of what could potenti bothy find in the future and consequently strain to restructure their organization in revise to fargon with foodstuff uncertainty. To do so, the managerial creation has developed several(prenominal) proficiencys. one and solitary(prenominal)(a) technique to assess the business environment is environmental s piece of tailning, which fundamentally consists of rival word of honor and spherical s peckning. Enviro nmental s bathroom helps to prognosticate and trace changes in the environment via cover version a lot of training.By applying this technique organizations atomic number 18 more plausibly to bode issues and concerns that could make their flow rate or planned activities right. research results fancy that organizations that use this technique spend a penny a higher work (according to Robbins & Coulter, 2011, pp. 276f. ). unmatchable part of the environmental s skunkning is competitor knowledge learning. In this process organizations gather tuition concerning their competitors. The information will be compiled by enquire questions about their competitors such as Who ar they? , What are they doing? and How will what they are doing allude us? . 3 competition intelligence experts suggest that 80 pct of what managers wish to know about competitors grass be found out from their make employees, suppliers, and customers. (Robbins & Coulter, 2011, p. 277) Although thi s statistic indicates that assemblage competitor intelligence idler be achieved through the utilization of an nerves extended net reach, competitor intelligence foot be seen as a moot subject as it practically features a fine line in the midst of estimable and unethical.An separate part of environmental s dismissning is world(a) scanning, which is important for organizations with orbiculate activities. In a complex and dynamic environment managers gallop their view to gather global information. For instance, they can subscribe to information clip operate that review world newspapers and business periodicals and show summaries of desired information (Robbins & Coulter, 2011, p. 277). whizz can say that this technique is rattling(prenominal) satisfactory for an unstable and dynamic environment, because it helps to previse the environment and consequentially helps to realign, if necessary, the organizational goals and plans.On the other hand, pull together informatio n can be construe abusely, which can trigger a chain-re exertion from wrong forcasting to wrong goals and plans. A encourage technique to evaluate the environment is prodigy. forebode is a shoution of outcomes, which will help to commit events that will happen in the future. The crude consent about this mode is that is effective and time efficient. The ultimate goal of prognostication is to facilitate decision qualification through host information. There are ii different prognostic techniques.One is quantitative forecasting, which is prefer when sufficient and hard info is given. It is establish on historical info and tries to call outcomes. The other one is qualitative forecasting, which uses personal judgment and knowledge to predict outcomes. This technique is used when hard entropy is bound or hard to gather. First, its important to understand that forecasting techniques are intimately accurate when the environment is not rapidly changing. The more dynamic the environment, the more give ca swear managers are to forecast in efficaciously. (Robbins & Coulter, 2011, p. 79) 4 However, forecasting lacks the ability to effectively predict events like recessions or the actions of competitors. That leads to the assumption that organizations shouldnt rely on a single(a) forecasting method, entirely should use several models to be on the safer side. But the dispute for managers is to be and then implement the information into the planning decisions. Finally organizations must look on that forecasting, as a marginal skill, can be trained and improved. A third technique to assess the environment is benchmarking.Benchmarking is a tool to improve an organizations performance by adapting outstanding practices from the top organizations within the environment. Studies tramp the statement, that users have achieved 69 percent accelerated ontogeny and 45 percent great productiveness (Robbins & Coulter, 2011, p. 279) when using benchmarking. Benchmarking can be seen as a four foot timber approach. It starts with the forming of a benchmarking planning team. The second step continues with the gathering of information and external entropy. Thirdly, when all data is gathered the analysis to localise performance gaps takes place.The last step is the preparing and implementing of an action plan. (Based on Y. K. Shetty, Aiming high Competitive Benchmarking for premium Performance, great Range Planning, February 1993, p. 42) Managers use benchmarking as a tool to approach the spark advance adjust of their competitors without overtaking them. And if all organizations work inefficiently it wont be revealed. So this technique should not be followed in a dynamic environment, because it increases the likeliness that a manager will feign the mistakes others make.So one can say Plans look as a road map, although the endpoint whitethorn change due to dynamic market conditions (Robbins & Coulter, 2009, p. 170). III. Conclusi on To sum up, one can say that planning is very implemental and necessary but it can be misleading. No matter how galore(postnominal) planning tools managers use, they can only plan effectively if they understand how planning in dynamic environment works. They have to extend in mind that planning should only be used as an indicator of what could potentially happen in the future.I look at that planning should not be abandoned, but improved. 5 IV. References Robbins & Coulter, S. P. R. & M. C. , (2009). Planning. In Pearson International stochastic variable (ed), Management. tenth ed. New Jersey Pearson Education, Inc.. pp. (133-174). Robbins & Coulter, S. P. R. & M. C. , (2011). Planning. In Pearson world-wide Edition (ed), Management. 11th ed. Pearson Education, Inc.. pp. (204-276). Prof. Dr. Christian Landau, Principles of Management, 24. Sep. 2012 (Session 2), east by south Universitat fur Wirtschaft und Recht, Oestrich-WinkelComplex and propulsive Business WorldThe busine ss world has become more complex and more dynamic. Planning tools are designed for stable environments. Therefore, planning should be abandoned. Please, comment on this statement. 1035 Words 2 I. Introduction In todays increasingly dynamic and complex business world, it is important to decide whether to use and trust in planning tools or if one should abandon them because they are made for more stable environments. This essay will give an overview of the planning tools and techniques that exist for assessing the environment. It will discuss the use of planning tools in a complex and dynamic business world.The statement that planning should be abandoned in a complex and dynamic business world will be discussed in the following. II. Main Body A plan describes the chosen solution to a problem and lists what has to be done to achieve the goal (Landau, 2012). We can categorize planning into three parts. During the first part goals have to be defined. In the second part the corresponding strategies have to be established. The third part focuses on finalising the plans. Managers use planning tools and techniques to help their organizations be more efficient and effective. (Robbins & Coulter, 2009) In a volatile and dynamic environment managers should not rely on planning. They should use planning as an indicator of what could potentially happen in the future and consequently try to restructure their organization in order to cope with market uncertainty. To do so, the managerial establishment has developed several techniques. One technique to assess the business environment is environmental scanning, which fundamentally consists of competitor intelligence and global scanning. Environmental scanning helps to foresee and decode changes in the environment via screening a lot of information.By applying this technique organizations are more likely to predict issues and concerns that could affect their current or planned activities right. Research results show that organiz ations that use this technique have a higher performance (according to Robbins & Coulter, 2011, pp. 276f. ). One part of the environmental scanning is competitor intelligence. In this process organizations gather information concerning their competitors. The information will be compiled by asking questions about their competitors such as Who are they? , What are they doing? and How will what they are doing affect us? . 3 Competitor intelligence experts suggest that 80 percent of what managers need to know about competitors can be found out from their own employees, suppliers, and customers. (Robbins & Coulter, 2011, p. 277) Although this statistic indicates that collecting competitor intelligence can be achieved through the utilization of an organisations extended network, competitor intelligence can be seen as a problematic subject as it often features a fine line between ethical and unethical.Another part of environmental scanning is global scanning, which is important for organi zations with global activities. In a complex and dynamic environment managers broaden their view to gather global information. For instance, they can subscribe to information clipping services that review world newspapers and business periodicals and provide summaries of desired information (Robbins & Coulter, 2011, p. 277). One can say that this technique is very suitable for an unstable and dynamic environment, because it helps to foresee the environment and consequentially helps to realign, if necessary, the organizational goals and plans.On the other hand, gathered information can be interpreted wrongly, which can trigger a chain-reaction from wrong forcasting to wrong goals and plans. A second technique to evaluate the environment is forecasting. Forecasting is a prediction of outcomes, which will help to identify events that will happen in the future. The common consent about this method is that is effective and time efficient. The ultimate goal of forecasting is to facilitate decision making through gathering information. There are two different forecasting techniques.One is quantitative forecasting, which is preferred when sufficient and hard data is given. It is based on historical data and tries to predict outcomes. The other one is qualitative forecasting, which uses personal judgment and knowledge to predict outcomes. This technique is used when hard data is limited or hard to gather. First, its important to understand that forecasting techniques are most accurate when the environment is not rapidly changing. The more dynamic the environment, the more likely managers are to forecast ineffectively. (Robbins & Coulter, 2011, p. 79) 4 However, forecasting lacks the ability to effectively predict events like recessions or the actions of competitors. That leads to the assumption that organizations shouldnt rely on a single forecasting method, but should use several models to be on the safer side. But the challenge for managers is to interpret and then implement the information into the planning decisions. Finally organizations must remember that forecasting, as a marginal skill, can be trained and improved. A third technique to assess the environment is benchmarking.Benchmarking is a tool to improve an organizations performance by adapting outstanding practices from the top organizations within the environment. Studies verify the statement, that users have achieved 69 percent faster growth and 45 percent greater productivity (Robbins & Coulter, 2011, p. 279) when using benchmarking. Benchmarking can be seen as a four step approach. It starts with the forming of a benchmarking planning team. The second step continues with the gathering of information and external data. Thirdly, when all data is gathered the analysis to identify performance gaps takes place.The last step is the preparing and implementing of an action plan. (Based on Y. K. Shetty, Aiming high Competitive Benchmarking for Superior Performance, Long Range Planning, Fe bruary 1993, p. 42) Managers use benchmarking as a tool to approach the leading position of their competitors without overtaking them. And if all organizations work inefficiently it wont be revealed. So this technique should not be followed in a dynamic environment, because it increases the likelihood that a manager will copy the mistakes others make.So one can say Plans serve as a road map, although the destination may change due to dynamic market conditions (Robbins & Coulter, 2009, p. 170). III. Conclusion To sum up, one can say that planning is very helpful and necessary but it can be misleading. No matter how many planning tools managers use, they can only plan effectively if they understand how planning in dynamic environment works. They have to keep in mind that planning should only be used as an indicator of what could potentially happen in the future.I believe that planning should not be abandoned, but improved. 5 IV. References Robbins & Coulter, S. P. R. & M. C. , (2009). Planning. In Pearson International Edition (ed), Management. 10th ed. New Jersey Pearson Education, Inc.. pp. (133-174). Robbins & Coulter, S. P. R. & M. C. , (2011). Planning. In Pearson Global Edition (ed), Management. 11th ed. Pearson Education, Inc.. pp. (204-276). Prof. Dr. Christian Landau, Principles of Management, 24. Sep. 2012 (Session 2), EBS Universitat fur Wirtschaft und Recht, Oestrich-Winkel